Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fun Links

Put down your coffee cup before you watch BigDog Beta.

Proposal in Zero Gravity. David asked Sarah to marry him as they were riding the vomit comet! (via Boing Boing)

10 TV Shows that Changed the World.

8 (More) Disturbing Delicacies.

Advertising Vs Reality - A Product Comparison Project. You know the food you get is not going to look like the picture on the package, but it’s disturbing to see so many comparisons together.

You know someone just like this guy. Like the Guy Manual says, don't ever admit guilt, even in the face of overwheling evidence.

Hello, I am Mr. Google.

50 Words Women Really Hate. Yes, we do. “Clitorectomy” is right there at the top of my list.

Magic sea anemone in the Philippines. Now you see it, now you don’t!

You may be tired of Linerider videos by now, but you haven’t seen anything until you’ve seen Transcendental. With 126,000 lines, it runs as smoothly as silk.

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