Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dear Me, Don't Go to Law School

Students at the University of Calgary Faculty of Law warn you not to make the mistake they did. Although not meant as a parody, this comedy video is based on the style of the excellent and serious video Dear 16 Year Old Me from The David Cornfield melanoma Fund, which you should watch also. (via I Am Bored)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[from a lawyer]: Dear 16 YO me, don't go to law school. For, even though you wanted to learn about the law and fight for concepts like justice and equality, people will deride you as a common ambulance chaser. And even though fear of litigation is a method of forcing companies to make safe products (see the Corvair, the Gremlin, the Radium Girls, "A Civil Action", Erin Brokavich) no one likes lawyers. Until they need one. And even though lawsuits like Brown v. Board of Education and Griswold v. Connecticut and Lawrence v. Texas secured many of the liberties people take for granted, people will still rank you below a common used car salesman, year after year.