Monday, March 12, 2012

Miss Cellania's Links

Officials in Taubaté, Brazil have hired a veteran to patrol neighborhoods dressed as Batman. It's not yet clear whether he will have the power to arrest dastardly villains.

But The Joker is in Jerusalem. Watch him try to clear security at the Western Wall for Purim.

Watching Mean People On TV Might Turn You Into One. One more reason to turn off the reality television shows.

The cutest animal on earth is the red panda (Firefoxicus adorabilis). Watch this one roll around in the snow and play with a pumpkin.

The most insane letter ever written by a child to a TV weatherman. Fake or not, it's a delight to read.

Birth Control: The Case for the State.

5 People From History Who Were Absurdly Hard to Kill.

The lead plaintiff in a lawsuit against Obamacare turns out to have reneged on thousands in unpaid medical bills. Here's the shorter version. She, like so many others, just doesn't get it. (via Metafilter)

Pinterest Bingo.

NAACP asks UN to monitor November elections, calls voting rights restrictions Jim Crow 2.0.

The Wampug Strikes Back! Chubbs, the pug in a wampa suit, re-enacts his pivotal scene from the original Star Wars trilogy.

1 comment:

Barbwire said...

That Atlantic article on birth control in North Carolina in 1939 should be a must-read for all legislators. Thanks for including it!