Saturday, September 15, 2012

Miss Cellania's Weekend Links

How the French Revolution Gave Birth to the Restaurant Business.

The weirdest news stories of the week.

Healthcare, especially end of life care, are essentially a "massive transfer of wealth." More stories are in the comments.

11 Monarchs Who Went Insane.

Fruit Salad Trees: you can graft several different kinds of fruit branches onto the same tree! (via 80beats)

The Late Movies: Gangnam and Other Styles.

200 accomplishments of the Obama administration.

In medieval Europe, it was common for animals to be put on trial and sentenced to punishment as if they understood the proceedings. There were unspoken reasons behind these shenanigans, in the days when the separation of church and state was nonexistent. (via Monkeyfilter)

Meet the newest advice meme: the Almost Politically-Correct Redneck.

The High Price of a Degree in LSD.


chicomathmom said...

The reddit link only has 50 accomplishments in the highlighted link.

Here is the link that the redditor cut and pasted from

Miss Cellania said...

Yes, he cut them into four comments -but thanks for the original list! It has links, too! I'll swap that out.

Anonymous said...

Nice read. 200 is an impressive number.

bob said...

Every president has a similar list of accomplishments the argument is if the accomplishments are positive or negative.

Ken D said...

I scanned it all. I read about 20 random links. I looked for, and didn't find a summation. I came to the conclusion that this person has their tongue firmly planted in their cheek.

Jason in SD said...

Yep, the world is on fire and the economy is in the toilet but none of that matters when compared to his creating the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

I'll be so happy to send this boob packing in November.