Monday, October 01, 2012


This post first appeared in January of 2007.  It was a lot longer then, as I have taken out the "dead" links. Some that remain are disturbing. The original comments are on the second page.

Looking over this collection of links, many that have languished in my files for quite some time, I must warn you that some are disturbing. Murder is a disturbing subject. But you probably would never get an opportunity to see these things if we didn’t have all this strangeness happening on the internet.

I am Charles Manson.
Which Evil Criminal are You?
A Rum and Monkey crime.=

The Celebrity Morgue. Warning: some pictures of dead bodies accompany the stories of celebrities' deaths.

The Los Angeles County Coroner’s office has a gift shop, Skeletons in the Closet. They don’t have a flashy sign or anything at the morgue; that would be tacky. But you can shop online for some tres different gifts.

How long can a decapitated head communicate? This article is disturbing and grotesque.

Geek or Serial Killer?

Learn more about Ten Notorious Serial Killers.

Dead Men Eating is a blog that details the last meals of those executed for heinous crimes. Alrighty then.

I took a test called How Dodgy Are You? which made so sense at all to me, but I’m a clueless Yank. It means something about crime in the UK, and here are my results: Crooked

Ello, ello, ello… what 'ave we 'ere then…? You're living close to the edge and it's only a matter of time before you're collared by the Old Bill. You may have fallen on your feet so far, but it won't last forever. Have you ever thought about a more rewarding pastime? (Emotionally that is…)
Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:
Years in prison: 27 Potential fine: £7000
*Please note this is just a fun quiz so don't be alarmed by your score! The maximum penalty has been taken for each crime and no consideration for scale of crime committed.

Online, you can find out about famous and not-so-famous murder cases at Court TV’s Crime Library.

Make your own police sketch.

Death trivia and tidbits. (Thanks, Bill!)

The Murder Trial

A defendant was on trial for murder. There was very strong evidence indicating guilt, but no corpse had been found. In the defense's closing statement the lawyer, knowing that his client would probably be convicted, decided to try a trick.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I have a surprise for you all," the lawyer said as he looked at his watch. "Within one minute, the person presumed dead in this case will walk into this courtroom!"

He looked toward the courtroom door. The jurors, somewhat stunned, all looked, eagerly. A minute passed. Nothing happened.

Finally, the lawyer said, "Actually, I made up the previous statement. But you all looked on with anticipation. I therefore put it to you that there is reasonable doubt in this case as to whether anyone was killed and insist that you return a verdict of not guilty."

With that, the jury retired to deliberate. But after only a few minutes, they came back and pronounced a verdict of guilty.

"But how?" the lawyer asked. "You must have had some doubt. I saw all of you stare at the door."

"Oh, yes," the jury foreman replied. "We all looked - but your client didn't!"

Thought for today: How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?

AUTHOR: Mike Ashley
URL: htpp://
DATE: 01/03/2007 05:49:52 AM
Why thank you so much. I'm touched.

It's ironic that I spend most of my time posting farcical and funny pieces, and it is one of the few serious writings that I put up that receives this award.
AUTHOR: Skunkfeathers
DATE: 01/03/2007 01:24:34 PM
Interesting way to lead into the New Year, a blog featuring're killin' me hyar ;-)
DATE: 01/03/2007 04:48:00 PM
I must admit, I'm a huge fan of anything about true crime. A book I finished not long ago (and will pick up to read again soon) is called "Devil's Knot: The Real Story of the West Memphis Three" by Mara Leveritt. It was published around 2000 or so but there are always updates to the case as well as documentaries that have come out about it. The documentaries have the main title "Paradise Lost." You see firsthand how the justice system can fail badly. Hell. Remember OJ? Oh, let's not go THERE.
DATE: 01/03/2007 05:29:02 PM
How grotesquely fascinating - LOL

I read that the Murder Ink mystery bookshop was closing - how sad!

You always come up with the most unique stuff! Thanks so much! I can’t wait to see what else 2007 will bring us!
All the best to you!
DATE: 01/03/2007 05:55:14 PM
I'm Harry Truman. I never knew that surrender had been offered numerous times.

DATE: 01/04/2007 12:57:07 AM
I worked as a lifeguard in high school and I saved a murdered body from the surf.

DATE: 01/04/2007 02:15:45 AM
Hi y'all! I've gotten reports from people who are having trouble leaving a comment. If thats your experience, please email me at and let me know what happens when you make the attempt. I'll try to sort it out! Thanks for your patience.

AUTHOR: david
DATE: 01/04/2007 03:24:11 AM
i am so glad ai stopped by TODAY
wow the barbie skit was --- um -- intereesting.
AUTHOR: Natalie
DATE: 01/04/2007 10:25:17 PM
Thank you for the mention! I thought the Barbie/Richard Chase thing was so creative and silly and somehow the creepiest documentary I had seen on a killer in a long time. I'm glad you enjoyed it, too!
AUTHOR: Heather Flanagan
DATE: 01/14/2007 05:30:35 AM
Speaking of celebrities, I thought you might be amused by this video about Internet celebrity, Luke Vaugn who is "Running Fool" from the ZeFrank show:

It has a belly dancer, too!

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