Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Miss Cellania's Links

The Forbidden Island. Don't go there!

According to a new poll, "cohabiting young adults have significantly lower levels of commitment than their married peers. This aversion to commitment is particularly prevalent among young men who live with their partners." Duh.

A guy on Twitter goes ballistic when a writer "spoils" the ending of Argo.

Civil War Army Food. It was awful. (via Holy Kaw!)

The brilliance of The Man with Two Brains. The underrated Steve Martin movie is one of my favorites.

How Rocky & Bullwinkle became a TV touchstone. Quick, clever, and goofy dialogue trumped artful animation and made those 'toons memorable.

This guy rants against pie as messy, bad-tasting, and un-American. He's obviously not making them right.

The Lone Ranger Represents Everything That's Wrong With Hollywood Blockbusters.

How To Feed Six Sodding Cats. (via Nag on the Lake

Google celebrated the 66th anniversary of the Roswell Incident with a Google Doodle game featuring an alien lost on Earth. (via Metafilter)

1 comment:

Barbwire said...

I loved Rocky and Bullwinkle! When tapes became available, I bought them for my grandchildren, and they learned to love them too. That was brilliant TV!