Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Miss Cellania's Links

15 Fun Facts About The Boxtrolls. The combination of stop-motion, CGI, and traditional animation, plus humor, may hook adults as well as children.

Haunted Houses: Tokyo's Real Estate Listings with Problems. More people are dying alone, which ensures that their spirits will haunt the next residents of the home.

Inside the evolution of a dead language. Just because no one speaks Latin on an everyday basis doesn’t mean we can’t add new words to its lexicon.

Alan Crowley was doing a selfie-a-day project when he was attacked and his face was slashed. The resulting time-lapse video shows his wounds, plastic surgery, and healing process.

The Eject-a-Bed is the cruelest, most effective morning alarm ever. Don’t want to get up? Get dumped on the floor!

21 pop-culture siblings from the last decade who got rather... close. What is our fascination with hints of incest?

The Months of the Year, Ranked. Now, this is a highly subjective and altogether meaningless list, but he’s wrong about October.

Yes, Americans Can Be Fired for Running for Office. And pretty much anything else your employer cares to fire you for.

10 Mind-Boggling Paradoxes.

The problem with home-cooked meals. Everyone wants to cook, but it’s hard to replicate the perfect family dinner.

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