Monday, April 06, 2015


You know Iain Heath as Ochre Jelly, the LEGO artist who brings us brick versions of celebrities and internet memes. But Heath is branching out into the world of video and cosplay. He picked a big project for this one! Heath recreated the robot TARS from the movie Interstellar. And not just as a sculpture, but as a walking replica that can be used as a costume.

TARS was unveiled at Emerald City Comic Con in March 2015, where it interacted with the public and even won Heath the "One To Watch" award at the convention's annual costume contest.

Requiring over 100 man hours to construct, the replica weighs 40 lbs (a mere fifth of the one in the movie) and uses two iPads to recreate TARS' computer readouts. To allow the operator to interact with their surroundings, the aluminum-clad wooden frame includes a camera, LCD screen, audio amplifier, and head set.
As you can see, the folks at Emerald City enjoyed interacting with TARS. Heath plans to take it to several more conventions this year, so keep your eye out for it! (Thanks, Iain!)

1 comment:

Blue said...

Over 100 hours hey - that would have taken me years!