Thursday, June 04, 2015

Miss Cellania's Links

Eating Feathers and other Feather Research.

Why It Pays to Be a Jerk.

Cassette Revolution: Why 1980s Tape Tech Is Still Making Noise in Our Digital World.

A new R2D2 refrigerator can keep your beer cold, and bring it to you, too! Yep, that is the droid we’re looking for.

How a Google software engineer remodeled his Manhattan apartment. What it lacks in space is made up for with imported and custom handcrafted furnishings.

Stunt proposals have jumped the shark when the viral video is more important than the woman’s feelings. Don’t propose in a fast food drive-through lane.

The Surprising Places We Waste Energy. Joe Hanson has suggestion for improving energy use in ways you never thought of.

Where Should Poor People Live? ‘We’re in favor of affordable housing, but it shouldn’t be in a residential neighborhood.’

The 22 Greatest Disaster Movies of All Time. Your opinion may vary.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Nice Blog :)