Friday, July 03, 2015

Why Do We Celebrate the Fourth of July?

Media analyst Mark Dice went to the beach in San Diego to find out what people know about the historical events we celebrate on the Fourth of July. No doubt there were people who had perfectly accurate answers, but they did not make the cut. It’s still sad that he found so many Americans who couldn’t answer the questions. I have a suspicion that alcohol may have been involved. (via Viral Viral Videos)


mat said...

Would be so much greater if Dice wasn't a reactionary conspiracy theorist extraordinaire.

Miss Cellania said...

Really? I'd never heard of him before.

mat said...

Hmmmnyeah... check out some of his non-interview videos where he goes on and on about chemtrails, illuminati (basically anybody but himself) or takes great efforts to slag off the Young Turks and other liberal media who dared report about him in a critical way.