Thursday, October 01, 2015

Miss Cellania's Links

Hair Twist Research Review. Who knew there were science papers and patents about this?

The Facebook of 400 Years Ago. Before computers or even photography, young people in France, Germany, and the Netherlands would keep journals called alba amicorum, which translates from Latin to “friend books.”  (via the Presurfer

Write Your Name in Viking Runes. (via Everlasting Blort)

What one college discovered when it stopped accepting SAT/ACT scores. They got fewer applicants, but better ones.

11 Doctor-Recommended Facts About Doogie Howser, M.D

What Every Block of New York City Looked Like 400 Years Ago.  It’s about the interactive Welikia Project.

What It Actually Feels Like To Climb Mount Everest. Two experienced climbers tells us how accurate the movie Everest is. 

Quirkology’s 10 Amazing Optical Illusions (and how to make them).

Don't Panic: Why Technophobes Have Been Getting It Wrong Since Gutenberg. New gadgets aren’t going to destroy society as we know it.   

Ten Tiny Treasures: Artists and Their Miniatures. It takes a good eye, a steady hand, and talent, too.


Bruce said...

I'm beginning to get the idea you're a big fan of "The Walking Dead".

Miss Cellania said...

You betcha! Not a fanatic, but it's one of the very few shows I watch regularly. And my brother, the graphic artist, watches it too.