Friday, January 13, 2017

Twin Sisters Separated at Birth Reunite on TV

Audrey Doering of Wisconsin and Gracie Rainsberry of Washington state were both adopted from China. While twins are normally placed together, these girls both had heart conditions, and were probably separated to make it more likely they would receive the surgery they needed. But neither knew about the other. Now they are ten, and Audrey's mother located a Chinese photograph showing two identical babies. The families found each other by internet search and communicated through FaceTime.

This week, they met in person on Good Morning America. While it may seem exploitive to have the reunion live on TV, the stunt goes a long way toward financing the twins ability to spend time together in the future. See more of Audrey and Gracie's New York trip here. (via Digg)

1 comment:

Wendy's Coffeehouse said...

Saw this as it happened. Quite an amazing reunion. Glad their families found each other.